<p>Stirling City Heritage Trust (SCHT) was set up by Historic Scotland in partnership with Stirling</p>

<p>Council as a means of delivering focused investment in the historic built environment of the</p>

<p>City of Stirling. Incorporated in December 2004, the Trust is an independent company limited</p>

<p>by guarantee (SC277033) and a registered Scottish Charity (SC037888).</p>

<p>The Objects for which the Trust was established and which still stand today are, to promote</p>

<p>and encourage, either alone or in conjunction with others, the protection and preservation of</p>

<p>the historic, architectural and landscape heritage within the Stirling Council Area by any</p>

<p>means, all for the benefit of the general public now and in the future.</p>

<p>The Trust is governed by a Board consisting of Trustees (Directors) who give of their time on</p>

<p>a voluntary basis. The Trust is operated by the Trust Manager who is supported by 4 full time and 1 part time posts</p>